

Applications in implantology: operculectomy and decontamination of implants, treatment of peri-implantitis.

Implantology also benefits from laser application, especially in the resolution of cases of peri-imucositis, peri-implantitis and in the uncovering of implants.

The Wiser diode laser is a suitable tool for the treatment of perimucositis and peri-implantitis, in combination with guided regeneration techniques.

It can also be used successfully for minimally invasive de-epithelialisation or soft-part remodelling.

The Pluser erbium laser also plays its part in the field of implant uncovering. Indeed, the lack of interaction between the 2940nm wavelength and the implant surface, coupled with the absence of thermal enhancement, allows the erbium laser to be used safely. Furthermore, it proves to be a highly successful tool for cleaning and decontaminating the coils on infected implants in order to achieve highly effective regeneration.
