Clinical information always updated
Thanks to many years of collaborations with professionals and research institutions, Doctor Smile has always been committed to offering its customers accurate and updated clinical information.
Our laser tutor they are in close contact with the real use of laser technology in the daily practice of the dental practice. They are the teachers of our courses and help develop the clinical protocols that accompany each Doctor Smile laser device.

University of Genoa
he is associate professor at the Department of Integrated Surgical and Diagnostic Sciences
(DISC) of the University of Genoa. And the director of the Center for Laser Surgery and Laser
Therapy. Furthermore, he is chairman of the scientific committee of Master Class Academy. The professor.
Stefano Benedicenti is author and co-author of over 80 publications in national journals
and international, and three monographs dedicated to the use of lasers in odontostomatology

University of Genoa
graduated in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics and relative qualification at the University of
Turin, Master in Neuro Linguistic Programming, II level Master in LASER Dentistry,
II level Master in Legal and Forensic Dentistry. From 1995 to today and owner of the firm
Dental. Speaker at the University of Turin with Laser Assisted Dentistry lessons.
Member of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Genoa (teacher and mentor) at the
International Master in LASER Dentistry.

University of Genoa
Graduated in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics with an experimental thesis on the use of the erbium laser in conservative surgery at the University of Genoa. Contract professor at the second level Master in Laser Dentistry – University of Genoa (directed by Prof. Stefano Benedicenti). Freelancer in Genoa.
He carries out his professional activity with particular attention to the clinical applications of
laser light.

University of Bologna
graduated in Classics, Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics. Dental Hygienist at
Harvard University, USA, owner of the didactic module “Follow up and professional hygiene
post prosthetic “at the II level University Master in Prosthetics and Implantoprosthesis, Alma
Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna. Teacher at the European Master Degree on Laser
Applications (EMDOLA), Sapienza University of Rome and at the University of Studies
of Parma.

University of Milan-Bicocca
graduated in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics at the State University of Milan.
Specialized in Orthodontics. Professeur Associee at the Paris VII University (France) for the teaching of “Assisted Odontostomatological Therapy”. He has carried out research work in the periodontal and orthodontic fields; coordinates teaching and research in the field
pedo-orthodontic and in the field of laser-assisted odontostomatology therapy of the Dental Clinic of the University of Milan-Bicocca.

University of Genoa – University of Foggia
freelance professional in Sora (FR) and Villetta Barrea (AQ). Graduated in “Dentistry e
Dental Prosthesis “, two-year Master in” Oro-Maxillofacial Surgery “. Enhanced in
“Forensic Odontology”, “Oral Surgery” and “Aesthetics of Smile”. Contract teacher a
advanced courses at the Universities of Milan, Chieti, Foggia and Genoa. Speaker
at courses and conferences in Italy and abroad on the use of lasers in dentistry. Author e
co-author of scientific papers related to Laser and Oral Surgery.

University of Genoa
graduated in Medicine and Surgery and specialized in Odontostomatology. Prof. to c. at the University of Genoa in the Course “Use of Lasers and New Technologies in Odontostomatology” and at the University of Foggia in the Postgraduate Course “Laser in Dentistry”. Postgraduate in Periodontics and Oral Surgery at New York University. Master in Oral Surgery – Implant Prosthesis – Bone Regenerative – Laser in Odontostomatology and Aesthetics.

University of Genoa – University of Milano-Bicocca – University of Foggia
graduated in medicine and surgery at the University of Padua in 1985 with full marks, with
thesis on tumors of the oral cavity. Master II in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, University of Padua; Master II in Laser in Dermatology, Tor Vergata University of Rome; Master II in Aesthetics of Oral and Perioral Tissues University of Padua. He obtained the Master II
Oxygen-Ozone Therapy of the University of Brescia and the Master II in PNEI and Low Dose Medicine of the University of Verona. He is Professor of Laser Applications in Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery at: University of Genoa; University of Milan-Bicocca; University of Foggia.